Rodents are undoubtly a threat to your home. They don't only get to your food but can also destroy furniture, damage pipes and electricity systems, and even bring life endangering sickness with them. GreenTec Pest Control understand these issues and provides comprehensive rodent control services in the area of Port Richey.
With our specialized solutions, mice and rats will be swiftly removed from your property, giving your family the peace of mind you need.
Contact us today for safe, effective, and affordable rodent control services.
Rodents are smarter than we think and are able to hide well. You might be living with rodents at your home for months and don't realize it until you actually meet one running across your floor. How can you spot the presence of mice or rats before the worst happens? Some of the most important signs of rodents' presence are:
Rodent droppings — dark and moist when fresh, greyish and dry when older. They can be often found in food packagings, in shelves, and under sink.
Gnaw marks — they get darker with time. You can find them often on food packagings, furniture, or other household items.
Specific odor — humans often can't smell it from afar, but cats and dogs can. If you see your beloved pet lurking around a specific area at your home, there might be a rodent hiding in there.
If you encountered any of the above signs of a rodent's presence, contact GreenTec Pest Control immediately and we'll come investigate.
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Comprehensive rodent control
GreenTec Pest Control has all the necessary equipment and experience to execute rodent control. Our services are of the highest quality, meaning we make sure that your family is safe during and after we perform the necessary steps to eliminate mice and rats from your property. Contact us today if you wish to learn more about our rodent control solutions or any other service we offer.
Keep your family and property safe with our specialized rodent control solutions.